Code 126 Battle Macro Criteria ID Extra Action Point Code ID Use: If a Battle Macro (Extra Action Point) is attached to a battle, this is often the first code scripted in the X-AP. This will test after each round of battle for specific conditions. If the conditions become TRUE, then the remainder of the X-AP is executed. In all practicality, this macro is defined just like an Extra Action Point except you have a few special codes you can use . Options: None E-Codes: 1) Activate on: 0 = After Round No. X, 1 = % Chance/ Per Round, 2 = Flee/Fail 2) Round No. / % Chance to Activate 3) Activate: 0 = Single Time, 1 = Check Each Round, 2 = Branch To Random Macro 4) Macro No. -OR- Random Macro (Low Range) 5) Random Macro (High Range) Note: If you want this to activate a specific Macro, place that Macro number in item 4. If you want it to be one of a random range of Macros then use item 4 as the low range and item 5 as the high range.